About SVG

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The Sports Video Group was formed in 2006 to support the professional community that relies on video, audio, and broadband technologies to produce and distribute sports content. Formed in the U.S., the organisation has expanded to include a European division and also has hosted events in Australia, Japan, and Singapore.

Our Mission

  • To advance the creation, production, and distribution of sports content.
  • To provide a knowledge resource for the growing community of sports video professionals working for broadcast/broadband organisations, professional teams and leagues, schools, and venues.
  • To facilitate a dialogue with manufacturers, suppliers and technology developers that will improve the quality and profitability of sports programming.

What SVG Means to You

If you are a member of the sports production community SVG is designed to help you work smarter and better and, ultimately, help you advance your career by having an educational resource. Best of all, registration for qualified industry professionals is free!  To join SVG today click here.

At our core is our efforts to cover the industry via comprehensive editorial coverage as well as podcasts and video interviews. We offer a wide range of newsletters that cover various topics. Subscriptions are free and if you would like to receive the U.S. version of our newsletter you can subscribe here. If you would like to subscribe to the European version of our newsletter, which covers sports production in Europe, please click here to subscribe. If you have any concerns or questions concerning your subscription please contact Ken Kerschbaumer at [email protected].

If you are a manufacturer or service supplier in the sports production community then SVG is designed to help open up new business opportunities and also help you better understand the state of the sports production marketplace. Where should you place your R&D efforts? How are your customer’s needs evolving? SVG is here to answer those questions. To become a sponsor today click here.

How We Accomplish That Mission

The Sports Video Group (and SVG Europe, a sister division in Europe) is directed by a group of advisors from within the sports production community. During the past 17 years they have created new initiatives, helped launch new educational events, and much more.

The core of the activities include:

  • Daily newsletters that cover the latest industry developments as well as behind-the-scene reports from the most important events in sports television
  • Monthly educational and networking events designed to help members and sponsors network and learn about the latest industry trends
  • Educational outreach programs designed to cover a wide range of industry needs